Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2001 (2/363)

Today's picture is of my cat, Oliver. Okay, again there are two pictures. The second is of my other cat Toby. Don't be surprised when you see lots of picture of them. I have a feeling they will be my back-up subjects when I run out of ideas for pictures.

So this first picture is kind of staged. Well, as staged as you can with a cat. Most mornings as I shower, he waits on my vanity for me to come out and pet him. He settles himself in the sink when I start petting him. Knowing that he would probably do this, I had my camera in the bathroom waiting for him to do this so I could take a picture of it. No, I don't normally keep a camera in the bathroom.

This second picture might turn some of you off, so consider this your warning. As I was petting and taking a picture of Oliver, Toby came into the bathroom and hopped on the toilet for a drink of water. This isn't a first for him either, but I wasn't really planning on documenting it. But I guess I just did.

What's tomorrow? Another cat picture? Stay tuned.

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